Privacy policy

Updated November 2021


This notice applies across all websites that we own and operate and all services we provide, including our online and mobile Design-Manufacture-Integrate (“DMI”) platform (in development) and any other apps or services we may offer (for example events or training) together with any internal systems we utilise to hold personal information. 

The kinds of personal information we collect will depend on the purposes for which individuals interact with PT Blink.  The personal information we may collect from individuals may include: 

  • full name and prefix (e.g. Mr or Mrs) 

  • address 

  • phone number 

  • email address 

  • employer and job title 

  • country or state of residence 

  • credit card details and other information  

  • social network contact and publicly available details 

  • community comments 

  • support enquiries 

If you cannot be identified, then this notice does not apply. 


PT Blink Limited and its subsidiaries (“PT Blink”) recognises and values the importance of protecting the privacy of our customers, DMI partners, stakeholders, collaborators, suppliers, employees and other third parties (‘Individuals’). 

PT Blink has developed/is in the process of developing a technology platform and digital marketplace that provides control, visibility and assurance through its unique DMI process that minimises property project risks by delivering modern manufacturing precision to any property asset and its smart operations. 

To enable us to deliver excellence in our products, including carrying out our day-to-day business functions (including, for example, hiring new employees or dealing with suppliers or contractors) (‘Operational Purposes’), we may need to collect a broad range of personal and company information from individuals and businesses.  PT Blink is committed to handling personal information in accordance with applicable laws of where you reside, including the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).  

While providing services or in connection with the Operational Purposes, we may collect personal information, either directly or indirectly.  This Privacy Notice sets out why and how we collect, hold, use, and disclose your personal information.   

Notice statement  

This Privacy Notice is divided into several sections and includes information on how we manage personal information as well as providing answers to commonly asked questions. 

What is personal information? 

Definitions of ‘personal information’ differ around the world.  In Australia, the collection, storage, use and disclosure of ‘personal information’ is regulated by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the “Act”).  The Act defines ‘personal information’ as: 

…information or an opinion, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable 

The definition of ‘personal information’ is therefore extremely broad, but good examples would include a person’s full name and address. 

Schedule 1 of the Act also sets out thirteen Australian Privacy Principles (the ‘APPs’) which comprehensively cover the protection of personal information.  PT Blink will always collect, hold, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the Act, the APPs, this Privacy Notice, and all jurisdictions in which we operate. 

Why do we need to collect personal information? 

We collect personal information reasonably necessary for one or more of our functions or activities in connection with the Operational Purposes. You may decide to provide personal information to PT Blink for a range of different reasons. By way of example you may wish to:  

a. register to use the Blink DMI platform; 

b. invest in PT Blink;  

c. collaborate with PT Blink;   

d. attend an event or course run by PT Blink; 

e. receive communications from PT Blink; 

f. apply for employment at PT Blink;  

g. provide services to PT Blink; or 

h. connect with us via social media.  

We will not collect more personal information than we reasonably need to in connection with the Operational Purposes or to otherwise deal with our third parties.   

How do we collect personal information? 

We may collect personal information from you in person, in writing, by telephone, through our website or by other electronic communication channels. We may also collect this personal information through our staff and through our contracted agents and other service providers. Wherever practicable, we will collect personal information from you directly. 

We also collect personal information through events and activities that we hold or are involved in, such as seminars, workshops, promotional events and other activities.  

How do we use or hold personal information?  

We use and hold your personal information to facilitate the Operational Purposes, as well as our general operational, technical and administrative purposes.  We may from time to time share the personal information we collect with any of our relevant third parties, including our partners, suppliers, collaborators, advisers and business associates. We would only share personal information with third parties where it is necessary in undertaking those activities that our third parties have agreed to be involved. 

To keep you up to date with our services, publications and other resources, we may place you on a communications list, including mail, telephone and/or email. At any time, if you no longer wish to receive this information, you may let us know and we will remove your details from the contact list. 


Where you register to receive a service or to otherwise engage with PT Blink, you may opt-in to PT Blink sending advertising and other direct marketing material to you. 

You may opt-out of the provision of direct marketing materials by using the functional unsubscribe option or by contacting us.   

How and when do we disclose your personal information? 

Where necessary, we will disclose your personal information to our third-party suppliers, partners, collaborators, contractors or others in order to facilitate the Operational Purposes.  

Either PT Blink or our Providers may disclose an individual’s personal information where it is reasonable to do so or where we are authorised or required to do so by applicable law.   

PT Blink may disclose personal information to trusted third parties engaged to assist us with services including data processing, data analysis, information technology services and support, website maintenance/development, printing, record archiving, data mailing and market research.  

We do not typically or routinely disclose personal information to overseas recipients.  Unless consent has been given, or an exception under the Australian Privacy Principles applies, we will only disclose personal information to overseas recipients where reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the overseas recipient does not breach the Australian Privacy Principles in relation to our third parties’ personal information. 

International Data Transfers 

When we share data, it may be transferred to, and processed in, countries other that the country you reside.  These countries may have different laws to your home country.  Rest assured, where we disclose personal data to a third party in another country, we put safeguards in place to ensure your personal information remains protected. 


We take reasonable steps to prevent the personal information we hold about you from misuse, interference or loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.  Our security measures meet industry standards and you can feel confident in our processes.  These may include access control procedures, network firewalls, encryption and physical security. Although we will endeavour to protect all personal information we hold, we are unable to guarantee that any information transmitted to us over the internet is 100% secure. 

Quality of your personal information 

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we hold, use and disclose is accurate, up to date and complete.  However, we will not necessarily take any administrative steps to verify the accuracy or completeness of the information you provide to us (or a third party) at the time of collection (for example, if you make a mistake when typing in your details). 

If you suspect or believe that the personal information we have is not accurate, complete or up to date, you may contact us at the details below and we will respond to your request within a reasonable period.  When responding, we will take reasonable steps to correct that information and to ensure that it remains accurate, complete and up to date in the future.  If for some reason we are unable to correct personal information, we will provide you with our reasons and further options for complaint. 

Access to personal information 

You are entitled to access the personal information we hold about you on request, subject to a limited number of exceptions.  If for some reason we are unable to provide you with access to your personal information, we will provide you with our reasons as well as your further options for complaint.  If we did not collect personal information directly from you, it may be more practical for us to pass your access request on to the relevant third party who did collect that information from you. 

You may make an access request via the contact details below and we will respond to your request within a reasonable period. 

How long will we keep personal information? 

We retain personal information after we have used the personal information for the purposes for which we collected or received it.  The duration that we keep your personal information for will be influenced by the nature of that information, and any applicable regulatory requirements.  

For all types of personal information, when no longer required, PT Blink will use its best endeavours to ensure that all such information will be deleted or destroyed in a secure manner and in a reasonable timeframe. 

Our interaction with you via the internet and social media 

To improve your experience on PT Blink websites, apps and online applications, we may use ‘cookies’. Cookies are small text files that may transfer to your computer when you visit one of our digital platforms. The use of cookies is a standard practice for most businesses and organisations as it allows your computer or device to remember your preferences. You can turn off cookies in your browser settings if you do not want them to be active across any digital platform. 

Our digital platforms also use Google Analytics. These services currently collect unidentifiable data from users of the relevant digital products. This allows us to generate reports to help us understand digital traffic and behaviour. 

When you look at our website, our Internet Service Provider may make a record of your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes only – the user’s server address, the user’s top level domain name (for example .com, .gov, .au, etc), the date and time of the visit to the site, the pages accessed and documents downloaded, the previous site visited, and the type of browser used. 

When using any PT Blink website, app or online application, you consent to Google processing your data as set out in their Privacy Notice for the purposes described above.  

You can opt out of your unidentified data being processed by disabling your cookies, disabling JavaScript, or using Google’s opt-out service.  

How to contact us or make a complaint 

If you would like to contact us, including to ask a question, request removal from our communications or make a complaint, we may be reached at the details below:  


Privacy Compliance, PT Blink, PO Box 121 Lindfield NSW 2070 


If you are unhappy with our response to your complaint, you have the right to make a complaint to your local data protection authority.  In Australia, this is the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).  Details of how to contact the OAIC are provided on its website at   


We may modify or amend the provisions of this Privacy Notice from time to time.  We will take reasonable steps to bring any such modifications or amendments to our third parties’ attention.   

We use Google Analytics to analyse the audience statistics of our website to improve our content. No personal information is collected by Google Analytics.