An open marketplace
PT Blink is establishing a growing panel of accredited manufacturers to join the online component marketplace. As an open marketplace, anyone can join and participate once accredited in the Blink DMI™ method and subscribed to the platform.
The marketplace benefits both owners and developers and the participating manufacturers. For owners and developers, the benefits include transparency of transaction, certainty of delivery, quality assurance and reduced costs as a result of direct dealings eliminating layers of compounded margin. Moreover, chain of title is managed simply and easily through the platform and is visible in the digital twin.
For manufacturers, the marketplace opens a world of business opportunity and collaboration through visibility as a supplier within the components catalogue. As the Blink DMI™ ecosystem and marketplace scales, so will the opportunity to transact with and supply components to owners and developers subscribing to the platform. Moreover, there will also be opportunity to proactively collaborate with designers and integrators to pitch the Blink DMI™ method to DA-approved projects and supply components.
The Blink DMI™ method is open to any applicable structural systems to cater broadly to project needs with specific performance attributes. Manufacturers can receive Blink DMI™ accreditation for their system IP and contribute to the catalogue of parts to earn from their technology.

Integrated experience
The transaction is an extension of the design experience. Once the design is completed, the digital twin is essentially a record of components with specific suppliers. A familiar shopping cart checkout experience completes the transaction and sends the executable order to the manufacturer with the digital models and files to enable automated manufacturing of the component parts.